Montag, 28. Mai 2007

land wars in venezuela

after listening and watching the video about Venezuela from the "":


What did Hugo Chavez introduce?

When did it come into effect?

Who is Alonso Sapada?

Why does the interviewed farmer say “he seems to have a thorn in his chest”?

By which crops were sugar cane plantation replaced?

Why did Mr Hines end up in Venezuela?

He wasn’t denied to carry a fire arm. What does he carry instead?

How many land owners were killed during the take-overs?

Who is Carlos Gimenez?

Which expression does he use instead of “take-over”?

Why hasn’t the interviewed woman left the country yet?

What is Fundo Bellavista?

Who inaugurated it?

From which countries does Venezuela mainly import food?

Corruption. According to some rumours, who is slightly accused of corruption?

How does the situation in Caracas look as far as sugar is concerned?

How do reach people feel? And poors?

Did Mr Hines succed in selling his property?


squatter: someone who occupies unused land, either to farm it or to build a house on it, without having a legal right to do so.

inaugurate, to: - if you inaugurate a system or service, you start it.
- when a new building or institution is inaugurated, it is declared open in a formal cerimony.

agrarian: relating to the ownership and use of land, especially farmland, or relating to the part of a society or economy that is concerned with agriculture.

to be a thorn in one's (chest) side: to be a continuous problem to sone, to annoy.

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