Freitag, 27. April 2007

looking for a job

I've been sending out application for summer jobs for 2 hours now!
I've applied for posts as waitress, fruit-picker, worker on an organic farm (the only disadvantage is that most of the people working on an organic farm are totally vegan freaks!!).

I wrote e-mails mainly to Irish farms or restaurants (I think it has to do with the fact that I'm 100% convinced that I don't like English people...)

anyway, I'll keep you up to date as soon as I get some answers...

have a nice weekend!!

I won't write anything till Thursday as I'm going to Prague tomorrow and I won't be back till Wednsday..

Mittwoch, 25. April 2007

Manchester - Milan: first leg

champions league!!

it's always exciting watching a Champions league match! especially if one of the 2 teams is your favourite team!!
exactely, yesterday Manchester United played against AC Milan in Manchester, and Milan has been my favourite team since I was born..
you have to know in Italy soccer is a very big deal and I think it is the only thing which still keeps us together...
as I'm studying in Austria I don't have the chance to watch soccer (Italian league) every Sunday afternoon but when it comes to Cahmpions League I don't care if I have to go alone to a pub to watch it, because I would do it! and I used to do it indeed! I hadn't got a tv untill january but I never missed a Milan game! I usually went to one of the 2 Irish pubs downtown and sometimes even alone. I didn't care being the only girl there, as I am as passionate as any other guy when it comes to Milan!

it goes without saying that yesterday I watched the game, that I shouted and swore like hell!!

the fist-half was excellent! rapid passes, almost no fouls, nice one-twos between Seedorf and Kaka, and two magnificent goals by Kaka!! not like the one "scored" by Cristiano Ronaldo (actually the goal was than registered as an own goal by Dida, Milan's goalkeeper).

I really had a good feeling! but in the second-half Gattuso had to leave the field because of a foot injury and also Paolo Maldini (our captain and an institution of the Italian soccer) had to be replaced by Bonera!
as a result we soffered during the last 30 minutes while the English team was litterally assaulting our net! and right in the 91st minute Rooney scored the 3rd goal which meant Manchester won 3:2.

it's ok! we didn't deserve to win. Italian players were so tired in the second-half that they couldn't even pass anymore!
Manchaster played well and deserved to win. now I'm looking forward the return leg next week on Wednesday!

as I read an article from the Guardian online about the match, here's a list of the most important vocabulary (at least for me..)

second / return leg
to win a tackle
own goal
header (Kopfball)
to lob Kaka lobbed the ball over Heinze
booking (Gelbe Karte)
a foul on sbody
to beat the goalkeeper

and now some vocabulary you can use in the everyday language:

resemblance: the resemblance with her sister was striking
to collide: the car collided with the bus at the crossing
mayhem: he wasn't distracted by the mayhem going on there and kept doing his homework
menace: Kaka was the only source of menace during the game
sluggish: the market was experiencing a sluggish demand for agricultural products
frantic: he got in a frantic state when he heard that his brother was kidnapped in Nigeria
to factor in: during your 2-month journey in Laos you should factor in getting sick.

Dienstag, 24. April 2007

going vegetarian? (addition)

I've just realized, by reading through my last entry, that I forgot to write the name of the web site I mentioned.

Freitag, 20. April 2007

going vegetarian?

my sister has become vegetarian! unbelievable! she was just eating lamb with me on Easter and now she's vegetarian!!
she said she had been thinking about becoming vegetarian for a very long time till she decided that the time was ripe for change! she won't eat meat anymore!

but as I couldnt believe her I asked what she's been eating lately. her diet turned out to be very poor so she asked me to surf the net in order to find recepies balancing the luck of meat in her diet.

I didn't expact to find so many sites written by freaks stating that you shouldn't eat vegetables either because the poor vegy do also have a sould and they have a life you can't take them away just because you're hungry
excuse me, dear freaks, what am I supposed to eat if, and just in the remote case, I get hungry?

that disturbed me a bit: I don't want my sister to become a freak!
so I kept surfing the net in order to find a more reasonable site..

I came across a very nice web site about how to become a vegetarian, what you should know and so on.
it's called "Vegetarian society".

I read something about iron as it is the only concern my sister had about becoming vegetarian. Iron is responsible for the formation of haemoglobin, which makes blood look red and, more important, it transports oxygen all over the body.
but iron isn't just in meat, there's iron in chickpeas, in spinach, muesli and even in dried apricots!
some researches have proven that there is no prevalence of iron deficency among vegetarians compared to non-vegetararians.

there's even a booklet about "how to reassure your parents" if you decided to go veggie.

I could never go veggie but if you're really convinced it is the best for you, then go for it! there are enough people who are vegetarian and I'm sure they all eat plenty of vitamines and iron.

So, my dear sister, I wish u good luck!

PS: anyway I read that tofu sausages taste almost the same as the normal ones!
the proof of the pudding is in the eating! (is it right?!?)

Mittwoch, 18. April 2007

nerd's eye view

I'm slowly changing my mind about nerd's eye view.
almost all entries in the section "Austria" are interesting and, as I'm an "expat" too, I found the entry about Topfenwickerl incredibly fun. It was January when I fell very ill, high fever and I was afraid I wouldn't have recovered for the final exam..
I was alone at home and so scared because I can't take a normal aspirin as I have a bad allergy to its active ingredient. almost desperate I called the emergency doctor who prescribed me a strong antibiotic.
the following day my boyfriend came back to graz and came straight to my place. guess what he said?! "You need ESSIGPATSCHEN"
despite my vain attempts to avoid the essigpatschen (because as Ms Nerd writes they stink!!) by saying that it isn't a scientific method and doesn't work, he won! I got my essigpatschen and fell asleep (fever reached 39.5° C and I was pretty exhausted because I had tried too hard to persuade him that his remedy wouldn't have worked...).
anyway, my feet and I sweated like hell and believe it or not fever significantly dropped!
I'm pretty sure that the antibiotic was the reason of my miraculous ricover but it wasn't too late to prove it! the following day as the fever went up again I couldn't stop him bandaging my poor feet with the holy essigpatschen!!

Austrians are all the same! all proud of their home (grandma) remedies!!
dear Ms Nerd I do understand you!

this is an interview about her living in austria. pretty interesting!

Dienstag, 17. April 2007

ok I hate tecnology! I can't alter my last post! I wanted to add a picture of Mr Friedman...

hier it is:

forgot sthing

I forgot to write who Mr Friedman is!

Thomas L. Friedman was born in 1953, studied Mediterranean studies and Modern Middle East studies. he has been working for the Times since 1982-3 when was settled in Beirut and later in Jerusalem. he wrote many books about foreign politics and won the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for commentary. since 2003 (or 2005 I can't remember exactly) he has been member of the Pulitzer Prize Board.

this time for real!

good night!!

the power of green

as I am fed up of translating a stupid mith about why the Styrian Erzberg was called so, I decided to have a look at the home page of the NYTimes especially because of what happened yesterday. but as I didn't want to read all the articles I just watched the video summarizing how that crazy guy started shooting other students in the campus and why the university authority didn't do anything to prevent the massacre from happening. it seems that around 7.15 am the killer opened fire for the first time. at 9.26 am he shot the second time. why didn't the rector of the college close down all the buildings?
I don't think it's very important now after 32 or 33 persons were shot to death.
this is one of the reasons why I don't like the US! too many weapons! and people are so crazy that they really use them!!!

however, this isn't what I wanted to write in this entry.
as I said, I watched the video, got angry because there are too many disturbed people who can buy a gun, and decided to watch something else.
I watched the interview to Thomas L. Friedman talking about how climate changes (ie hurricane Cathrina) and the recent acts of terrorism (9/11) have to make Americans think they should change their way of living. A decrease in electricity consumption is one of the most important things the Americans along with their government have to achieve. first of all because the oil sellers are situated in potentially terroristic areas (Saudi Arabia is an example) and secondly because of CO2 emissions , the main cause of global warming.
he mentions "chindia prices" (affordable and competitive prices for China and India) for biofuel.
he says than that every State in the US has to foolow the example of California. this State has one of the lowest electricity consumpion in the country because the state government set high standards and taxes on pollutants (like gasoline).
he says that all western nations should become leaders of efficiency.
he mentions in the end a "green" new deal and petropolitics (with its first law).
the green new deal has to reconnenct the US to the real world economically, industrially and politically.

I didn't take note of the details. I just wrote down the main points of th einterview and summarized it with my own words (to some extent).

tonight I'm too tired to do my usual vocabulary work on the respective article as it consists of 11 pages.. I'll do it tomorrow!

well, take care and turn off the light if u don't need it!!
good night!

Montag, 16. April 2007

sorry Ms nerd's eye view...

I have to tell the truth: I don't always like what she writes..
I am a very curious person but, sorry, I really don't care about what she's doing!! that she's moving into the new flat, that she's painting the walls purple but purple is a very "difficult" colour!!! You can be curious about things which have somehow a link with your life, but her life in Seattle doesn't sound that exciting to me...
despite my luck of excitement while reading her blog, I decided to read more because if she's so famous she must write interesting things too!
and exactly when I was going to close her blog and doing something else, I came across this entry:

I couldn't agree more!
what's more she's wise!
I still don't care about where u can buy the best coffee in Seattle but sometimes unpredictably she writes such an interesting and "wise" entry that it makes u think "well, maybe I should really read it and learn something from her! and not just because I have to for the exam!!"

PS: when I eat out, I still order the only thing in the menu I've never heard of (last time I ordered "Ochsenmaul im Kernoel") .. the name scared me at the beginning because of the Maul in it but it tasted really good!! even better than Leberkaese, another thing which terrified me 2 years ago!!

Sonntag, 15. April 2007

JW presentation


as I know that paying 200% attention during presentations is almost impossible.. that's why I'm uploading my vocabulary work. I included words which may not sound very significant, but I still think they might be worth reading.


Punts salad days osculate queasy marauder chuckle pishogue serendipity

The marauders attacked with a violence that terrified the villagers.

According to figures released today by the Central Bank, Irish punts worth €810m remain in circulation despite the end of the dual circulation period last Saturday.

'Salad days' is used these days to refer to the days of carefree innocence and pleasure of our youth.
Salad days: It appears in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra of 1606, in the speech at the end of Act One in which Cleopatra is regretting her youthful dalliances with Julius Caesar: “My salad days, When I was green in judgment”. So the phrase came to mean “a period of youthful inexperience or indiscretion”, though it only became popular from the middle of the nineteenth century on. It now often refers to a period in the past when somebody was at the peak of their abilities or earning power, in their heyday, not necessarily when they were young.

Osculate?” I asked. “What’s that?”
“Let me show you,” Luke said. He leaned over the bench toward me and kissed me.

Catherine felt very queasy after the ride on the roller-coaster.

It was hard to resist a chuckle when we saw the looks on their faces.

There was some pishogue (superstition) about witches being attracted to a house with more than three working clocks in it.

Serendipity. Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you've found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for.”

hoping it can be useful, I wish you a pleasant sunny Sunday evening!!

verse about months of the year

I was reading the pages from unit 43-44 for homework and noticed that they wrote "31 September" which obviously doesn't exist. so I got curious and started looking for the English equivalent of an Italian rhyme children learn at school in order to remember which month has 30, 28 and 31 days. I finally came across this verse:

Thirty days hath September,
April, June, and November.
All the rest have thirty-one,
excepting February alone,
which hath twenty-eight.
Leap year cometh one year in four,
in which February hath one day more.
if it's actually used by English-speakers, it can be interesting knowing it...


Donnerstag, 12. April 2007

some research

After the Chinese invasion of Tibet, many Tibetans left their country heading to South India, where in 1965 the Indian Minister of External Affairs gave them 5000 acres of vergin forest near Mundgod. Tibetans built there houses and temples in perferct Tibetan style.
Tibetan settlement at Mundgod (just look at the last picture, n. 9)
Here’s a map of Mundgod:

In the book, Murphy wrote that Tibetans greeted her and “stuck out their tongues”. Sticking out one’s tongue represents the traditional Tibetan greeting to say hi. Since the book “Stick out your tongue” by Ma Jian was published in 1987, this greeting is strongly connencted with the title of the book describing a very brutal side of the Tibetan society most people were not aware of.

Sonntag, 8. April 2007

Easter Sunday

happy Easter!

I know it's just a day like the others but the fact that my mom cooked so many good&tasty things (typically Italian Easter-dishes, like lamb cooked as noodle-sauce, as meat, actually just lamb, but as I do love it, it was just perfect....) and that I've been eating chocolate since midday, well this does make the difference!! or maybe another explanation is that I have so much serotonin flowing in my venes thanx chocolate!!!

sorry for the spelling mistakes but I drank some glasses of wine and now I'm relaxing on the veranda.....
and while relaxing I thought it might have been a good digestive activity writing something on my blog... anyway, I've also made some grammar exercises on line: as suggested-recommended on the link site of the yahoo group..
I have to admit that despite wine I scored pèretty good (once good, and once excellent..).

I'd like to practice more but my father's computer doesn't work very good and it takes ages to process everything!
I'm prepairing an entry about Tibetan refugees in southern India, pretty interesting... I saved it in my usb-stick which isn't right next to me now, so I think I'll upload it tomorrow (when I won't have drunk wine..., at least I hope..).

so, I don't know if what I've written does make sense.. I hope so!

bye and enjoy the sunny day!! (if u're in italy....)

Sonntag, 1. April 2007


after a 24 h party I recovered and I can upload some vocab (+reading) work I've been doing recently.
I'm trying to keep up with newspaper reading as much as I can but sometimes the articles do not interest me at all or, more often, I don't have time.. but I save them as pdf files and I read them maybe after a week, but who cares when I read them! the most important thing is reading them and trying to get the best out of it!

as usually I watch almast every day one episode of some tv series, just to do some listening work!
the last film I watched in English was "the unfaithful" starring Richard gere and Diane Lane but most important is Olivier Martinez!!!! he's sooo cute!! I don't know if you have already watched the film.. it's about a perfect family richar+ diane + stupid kid living in suburb of NYCity because the city itself is too dangerous to raise a child. well, she's shopping for her son's birthday party in Soho when a strong wind litterally throw her in the arms of Olivier!! you can imagine what happens after that, as the title reveals pretty much the main content of the story..
she's overwheld by passion and forgets about her hunband and son! I can't give everything away.. you should watch the movie!! I do recommend it to u!

I tried to upload a chart but it didn't work... this was originally a chart...

March 5, 2007 NYTimes online Without health benefits, a good life turns fragile
Receive health benefits, to She doesn´t receive health benefits fron her employer
Provide health benefits, to Small businesses are less likely to provide health benefits
Obtain coverage, to Having had a cancer, she could not obtain coverage
Federal figures Federal figures show an increase of ...
Jump to the top of ..., to The problem of the uninsured have jumped to the top of the domestic political agenda
Nonpartisan A non-partisan organization
premium Life insurance premium rate
Temporary or contract workers
Have surgery for, to She had surgery for breast cancer in 2005
Quote a price, to
Permeate, to Concerns about health insurance permeate her life
Be legally responsible for, to She doesn´t want her husband to be legally responsible for her medical bills
File lien against sth, to To collect unpaid medical bills, health care providers file liens against your home.
Collapse, to The plan collapsed in 1994
Blackball, to = boycott, to
Discriminate, to A federal law limited the ability of insurers to discriminate against people …
Under one umbrella Why can´t X+Y have coverage under one umbrella?

March 29, 2007 NYTimes Living with Alzheimer´s before a window closes
Be in/at the early stages of Alzheimer´s disease
Keep up with the normal patter Parlantina
Lose track of time, to
Pass for normal, to They are struggling to pass for normal
Be impaired, to She is impaired but not helpless or demented
Bristle at sth, to Experts bristle at toothbrush misuse
Grass-roots movement (Basis-)
tendency There´s a tendency to think they don´t comprehend
Lose one´s mental capabilities, to
oblivion Alzheimer´s disease is a march to oblivion
viable People with alzheimer´s are still viable people

that's all!

see u soon!!
